Formations » Bachelor » Formation à plein temps » System Administration (ADS)

Lab 02 - Pipelines

Pedagogical objectives

Task 1: Log analysis

In this task you will use command line pipelines to analyse log data of a website. The website of the ADS course is hosted on Amazon S3. When a user requests a page from the site or makes another type of access S3 writes a log entry to the log file. The log entry contains information about who made the access, what type of access it was, what page or resource was accessed, etc.

Log files are typically in text format. Each line of the file corresponds to a log entry. A line contains a sequence of fields with values that are separated by a separator character. All lines contain the same sequence of fields.

Download the log file using curl. The file has been reformatted a bit for this lab (see below). The format of S3 log files is described in detail in the S3 Server Access Log Format. The following is a summary:

Verify that the fields are indeed separated by tabs by using the xxd command to look at the file (look up xxd in the manual).

Answer the following question by using the command line and building a pipeline of commands. You can use cat, grep, cut, tr, wc, sort, uniq, head and tail. For each question give the answer and the pipeline you used to arrive at the answer.

  1. How many log entries are in the file?

  2. How many accesses were successful (server sends back a status of 200) and how many had an error of "Not Found" (status 404)?

  3. What are the URIs that generated a "Not Found" response? Be careful in specifying the correct search criteria: avoid selecting lines that happen to have the character sequence 404 in the URI.

  4. How many different days are there in the log file on which requests were made?

  5. How many accesses were there on 4th March 2014?

  6. Which are the three days with the most accesses? Hint: Create first a pipeline that produces a list of dates preceded by the count of log entries on that date.

  7. Which is the user agent string with the most accesses?

  8. If a web site is very popular and accessed by many people the user agent strings appearing in the server's log can be used to estimate the relative market share of the users' computers and operating systems. How many accesses were done from browsers that declare that they are running on Windows, Linux and Mac OS X?

  9. Read the documentation for the tee command. Repeat the analysis of the previous question for browsers running on Windows and insert tee into the pipeline such that the user agent strings (including repeats) are written to a file for further analysis. Bonus question: What are the operating systems Windows NT 6.1, 6.2 and 6.3?

As mentioned previously, the log you are analysing in this task was reformatted so that the fields are separated by tabs. A normal web server log typically uses spaces. You can see an example of such a log in the file access.log.

10.. Why is the file access.log difficult to analyse, consider for example the analysis of question 7, with the commands you have seen so far?

Task 2: Conversion to CSV

In this task you will use the command line to summarize the log entries and convert the summary into a CSV file that can be read by a spreadsheet program.

A CSV (Comma-Separated Values) file is a file containing a table in text format. It starts with a line containing the column names. Each name is speparated by a comma ,. The remaining lines contain the rows of the table, one line per row. Each line contains the cells of the corresponding row, again separated by commas. Here is an example of a CSV file:

Element, Atomic Mass
H, 1.008
He, 4.002602
Li, 6.94
Be, 9.0121831

Note: Spreadsheet software typically tolerates spaces between the values and the commas and removes them. In a spreadsheet the order of columns is not important.

Produce a CSV file that contains for each day (given by its date) the number of accesses on that day. Transfer that file to your workstation and use spreadsheet software to import the CSV file. Plot the data in a graph.
