Formations » Bachelor » Formation à plein temps » System Administration (ADS)

Lab 01 - The command line

Pedagogical objectives

Task 1: What do these commands do?

Execute the following commands in the given order. In a sentence or two, precisely describe what each does (English or French).

To get documentation look up the commands using the man command. When using man, be careful that you are seeing the correct section (1), as the same term may be a command, a system call or something else. Some of the commands are shell built-ins (cd, pwd, ...) which don't have manual entries, for these you can use the shell's help command. If the built-in help of the operating system is too confusing, try Google.

If you get stuck, ask the assistant or professor for help!

  1. nano newfile

  2. ls
    ls -l

  3. cat newfile

  4. cat /etc/hosts /etc/motd

  5. pwd
    cd ..

  6. pwd
    cd .

  7. cd /home
    ls -l
    ls albert.einstein (replace albert.einstein with your user id)
    ls -a albert.einstein
    ls -d albert.einstein

  8. cd /tmp
    mkdir -p albert.einstein/bar/baz
    cd albert.einstein
    rmdir bar
    rmdir bar/baz
    Hint: rmdir's behavior is not immediately obvious. Be careful.

  9. less /usr/share/doc/bash/copyright
    less /usr/share/doc/bash/INTRO.gz

  10. echo "Hello, world!"
    echo ~

  11. find ~ -name '.*' 2>/dev/null
    Hint: Break down each part of the command first.

  12. cd
    mkdir bar
    touch qux
    cp qux bar
    Hint: Pay attention to bar.
    mv qux bar/newfile

  13. uname -a
    What kind of information does this command print out?

  14. history

  15. bash

  16. sudo apt-get install tcsh
    sudo apt-get install zsh
    What do each of these commands do?

  17. apropos download

  18. What happens when you type a command that does not exist, like aaaaaa?

  19. What happens when you type a command that is not installed, like pdftotext?

Extra task for pros: Editing in the command line

The shell supports some useful keyboard shortcuts. It is worth learning them as they speed up typing tremendously. Here are the most important, try to memorize them.

Lab deliverables

Write your lab report in plain text/Markdown or PDF.